Hello, I'm Saforrest, a Canadian from Ontario. I'm afraid I don't speak Inuktitut.
Bonjour, je m'appelle Saforrest, un canadien de l'Ontario. Je regrette, mais je ne parle pas inuktitut.
Category listing
[ᓱᖁᓯᖅᐹ ᐃᓚ | edit source]- Category:ᓯᓚᕐᔪᐊᒥᐅᑦ - animals
- Category:ᐱᕈᖅᑐᖅ/piruqtuq - plants
- Category:ᐃᓅᖃᑎᒌᑦ ᐃᓕᖅᑯᓯᖃᑎᒌᒃᑐᑦ - countries
- Category:ᑕᒃᕿᒃ - months of the year
- Category:ᑎᒥ - human anatomy?
- Category:ᓂᕿ/niqi - food and drink?
- Category:ᐅᖃᕐᕕᐅᑎᔪᑦ - human languages
- Category:ᐃᖏᕐᕋᔾᔪᑎᑦ/ingirrajjutit - transportation
- Category:ᐊᕐᓇᑐᖅᐳᖅ/arnatuqpuq - sex
- ᓴᔪᑉᐱᓛᕗᖅ - natural phenomena of some kind?
Possible categories
[ᓱᖁᓯᖅᐹ ᐃᓚ | edit source]- ᓄᓇᓕᕆᓂᖅ - geology
- ᐋᔩᖃᑎᒋᖏᖅ/aajiiqatigangaq - communications
- ᐃᐅᓪᐴᑕᒥ/alberta - Alberta
- ᐊᑭᕋᖅᑑᑎᔪᑦ - war
- ᐊᑯᖅ - Bay
- ᐊᖓᔮᕐᓇᖅᑐᖅ - Alcoholic beverage
- ᐊᕿᑦᑐᖅ ᖃᕆᑕᐅᔭᐅᑉ ᑎᑎᕋᕐᕕᖓ - computer software
- ᐄᒃ - Human
- ᐃᒫᓗᒃ - ocean
- ᐃᓱᒪᓕᐅᕐᓂᖅ - philosophy
- ᑰᒃ - river
- ᐅᖄᓯᓕᕆᓂᖅ/urkaasiliriniq - linguistics
- ᓈᓚᐅᑎᑦ ᑕᓚᕖᓴᓇᓪᓗ/naalautit talaviisanullu - broadcast media
- ᓂᕿᑦᓯᐊᕙᓕᕆᓂᖅ - nutrition
- ᓄᓇ - Earth
- ᖃᐅᔨᓴᕐᓂᖅ - research
- ᕿᒥᕐᕈᐊᑦ/qimirruat - book
- ᖃᐅᔨᓴᕐᓂᖅ ᑎᑎᖅᑲᑎᒍᑦ ᖃᓄᐃᓕᐅᖅᑕᐅᖃᑦᑕᕐᓂᑯᓂᒃ - history
- ᐃᓕᓐᓂᐊᖅᑐᓕᕆᓂᖅ - education
- ᐆᒪᔅᓱᓯᖃᕐᑐᓕᕆᓂᖅ/umasusirkartuliriniq - biology
- ᐆᒫᑦᓱᓕᕆᓂᖅ/umatsuliriniq - Physics
- ᑭᓯᑦᓯᓯᖕᖑᕐᓗᒋᑦ ᐹᓯᔅᓱᑎᔅᓴᑦ/kisitsisillgurlugitpasissitissat - Statistics
- ᓯᓚᓯᐅᕐᓂᖅ/sulasuurniq - Astronomy
- ᓴᕕᒐᐅᔭᖅ/ikumautit - Electricity
- ᐃᒡᓗᕐᔪᐊᑦ ᐋᖅᑭᒃᓯᒪᓂᖏᑦ - architecture
- ᐃᓄᐃᑦ (ᓄᓇᖃᖅᑳᖅᓯᒪᔪᑦ) - Inuit
- ᐄᒐᑕᐃᕕᑦᓴᐃᑦ - game
Things to be classified
[ᓱᖁᓯᖅᐹ ᐃᓚ | edit source]- ᓄᑕᒐᒃ - Baby
- ᐊᐅᑦᓯᓇᖅᑐᖅ - Clothing
- ᕿᒥᕐᕈᐊᑦ ᐅᓐᓂᖅᑐᖅ ᒥᑦᓯ ᑐᑭᐊ - Dictionary
- ᒎᒐᓪ - Google
- ᐋᓐᓂᐊᕐᕕᒃ - hospital
- ᐃᒡᓗ - igloo
- ᐃᑭᐊᖅᖠᖅ/ikiaqłiq - shirt
- ᐃᓄᒃᓱᒃ - inukshuk
- ᐃᓄᒃᑦᓯᐊᖅ - physical attractiveness
- ᐃᓄᒃ - human being
- ᑯᓂᑉᐳᖅ - kiss
- ᑎᑎᕋᐅᓯᖅᑐᖅ ᓄᑖᖅ - Inuktitut syllabics